Monday, September 8, 2008

where is the war?

Many years ago those that attacked America talked of a "spiritual war". This war has been rather successful whether we in the West want to acknowledge it or not.

Our systems are crumbling. Cities need rebuilding. Schools need to learn how to teach. Our families are falling apart, and we are afraid to teach about the spiritual war.

How does one defend oneself in a spiritual war? do we put our heads in the sand and hope they go away?

Or do we bring light to the situation and by the shining of light eradicate the fears and attacks of those that wish ill upon us.

I say, we bring light forward. And what is that light?
It is the glint in the eye of your child your lover, that little spark of hope that needs to be acknowledged.

and when we do? we win the battle the war is over.

as John Lennon said - the war is over if you want it.

this blog is real and will reflect the actions of a Peacemaker as he goes through a process of making Peace - based upon the teachings of the Iroquois Legend - the Peacemaker.

Our story is now - and not a historical reference.

The tribes of Abraham are at war - the Christians, the Jews and the Muslims.
Each of these groups are at war with themselves - the Irish Catholics vs the Protestants / the Orthodox Jew with Reform Jews, the Sunni with the Shiite.

I, as an anonymous person have taken the role of sharing light with these groups. The light is the light of the Zohar - the pocket Zohar. Imagine if we were able to see the light that emmanates from the Zohar. You might use Kirilian photography to prove it to yourself - if you need proof - or you might try haqving the Pocket Zohar near you and see what happens. Perhaps learning to scan it might be valuable.

I am carrying the ZXohar to Muslims and Christians , and Jews - to have each of them understand the possibilities of the light to each of us as we look at a positive outcome to our experience of the time and space on our planet.

I ask each reader to consider how they might bring more light into the world.

Light a candle - that is a physical reality and worth the effort. Exercise your mind by sharing a positive thought with a friend, that is a mental reality and worth the effort, express your love for another - that is an emotional reality and worth the effort, and send the light of your consciousness out to heal the world, that is a spiritual reality and worth the effort.

Do this exercise once daily and we will make peace on our planet within eighteen months form todays date. Mark it on your calendar!.

Anon. Peacemaker

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